Reliable and secure same-day and holiday delivery services
Same-day Delivery
Order Today, Arrive Today!
Fast, reliable same-day delivery
Same-day Delivery
Order Today, Arrive Today!
Fast, reliable same-day delivery
Holiday Delivery
All the time, 365 days!
Fast and secure delivery even on holidays
Holiday Delivery
All the time, 365 days!
Fast and secure delivery even on holidays
Bringing the last mile closer with the collaboration of global innovative logistics companies and public logistics networks
CEO Charles Park
Company Registration No. 358-81-00820
Contact 1588 - 9213 (Weekdays 09:00 - 18:00 / Closed on Weekends and Holidays)
Address 908-909ho, Digital-ro 288, Guro-gu, Seoul
Personal Information Administrator KIM, Bo-Kyung
CEO Charles Park Company Registration No. 358-81-00820 E-MAIL Contact 1588 - 9213 (Weekdays 09:00 - 18:00 / Closed on Weekends and Holidays)
Address 908-909ho, Digital-ro 288, Guro-gu, Seoul Personal Information Administrator KIM, Bo-Kyung
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