Let Us Introduce OurBox's Smart Logistics Centers

Smart Logistics Centers

We have variety of workspaces for refrigerated/frozen/room temperature products

Images of OurBox Logistics Centers ▼

Systems Provided by OurBox

We Designed and Developed the Logistics Solution System for the Entire Fulfillment Process Tailored for E-COMMERCE Businesses, using OurBox's Expertise and Experience

WMS Optimized for 4PL

Warehouse Management System

WMS is designed as an automated process from stock management to order collection and invoice issuance by interworking with all of the client company's information systems

<Scroll left and right when using mobile>

OMS Optimized for E-COMMERCE

Order Management System

OMS automatically collects and reports all necessary informations required for e-commerce business, and the batch processing environment will be an essential tool for concentrating on sales work

Continuous Weight Measurement/Packing Guidance

Work Support System Aiming for Zero-Mispacking

  • Content verification through measuring box weight(weight informations interworked)
  • Packing guideline for workers
  • Mispacking minimization & faster work speed

Smart Logistics Centers

We have variety of workspaces for
refrigerated/frozen/room temperature products

Images of OurBox Logistics Centers ▼

Systems Provided by OurBox

We Designed and Developed the Logistics Solution System for the Entire Fulfillment Process Tailored

for E-COMMERCE Businesses, using OurBox's Expertise and Experience

WMS Optimized for 4PL

Warehouse Management System

WMS is designed as an automated process from stock management to order collection and invoice issuance by interworking with all of the client company's information systems

OMS Optimized for E-COMMERCE

Order Management System

OMS automatically collects and reports all necessary informations required for e-commerce business, and the batch processing environment will be an essential tool for concentrating on sales work

Continuous Weight Measurement/Packing Guidance

Work Support System Aiming for Zero-Mispacking

  • Content verification through measuring box weight(weight informations interworked)
  • Packing guideline for workers
  • Mispacking minimization & faster work speed 
OurBox Fulfillment Centers' Locations
Fulfillment Centers' Locations
Fulfillment Centers
Low Temperature
Pyeongtaek Fulfillment Center

경기도 평택시 오성면 오성산단1로 131

Low Temperature
Osan Fulfillment center

경기도 오산시 오산로 149

Room Temperature
Gunpo Fulfillment center

경기도 군포시 번영로 82 한국복합물류(주) 관리동

Room Temperature
Yangji Fulfillment center

경기도 용인시 처인구 양지면 죽양대로2071번길 7 양지물류

Room Temperature
Gonjiam Fulfillment center

경기도 광주시 도척면 도척로 401-88

Room/Low Temperature
Eumseong Fulfillment center

충청북도 음성군 금왕읍 유촌산단1길 54

Room/Low Temperature
Pyeongtaek2 Fulfillment Center

경기도 평택시 진위면 마산리 45-1

Room Temperature
Daejeon Fufillment center

대전광역시 대덕구 대덕대로1277번길 90 유한킴벌리(주)대전공장

Room Temperature
Baegam Fulfillment center

경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 죽양대로 956-8 (주)에이블로지스 물류센터

CEO Charles Park